Workshop Series

Week 1:       10 – 14 February
Week 2:       17 – 21 February
Week 3:       24 – 28 February


Click below to purchase your discounted Perth Moves package. You will then receive an email with instructions on how to book classes/workshops. Please note you will need to be a STRUT Member to access these packages.

All Access Pass (first release)

Week 1 + 2       Week 1 + 3       Week 2 + 3

Week 1             Week 2              Week 3


Drop In


If you wish to book into just one offering (e.g. Soma-time dancing with Alice Cummins). Please note you will need to be a STRUT Member to access the workshops.

Simply scroll down to your desired class/workshop and click

Book > Book now > Book without membership.


Week 1

0930 – 1100

Contemporary dance workshop blending street styles focusing on technique while embracing the freedom of improvisation.

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Soma-time dancing

Week 1

0930 – 1100

Enliven your body & spirit through guided practices of breath; engage through poetic movement scores and explore your originality. Alice’s approach is inclusive of all bodies, engages the imagination and cultivates pleasure.

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Week 1

1130 – 1330

Afrokuduro is a dance style from Angola that mixes the kuduro style with afrohouse, it has a rich vocabulary with challenging and rhythmic movements.

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Big Joy, Community and Social Change

Week 1

1130 – 1330

Throughout the week, workshop participants will join Bec through a series of highly joyous physical sessions exploring agency, participation and joy-making when collaborating with communities. The focus will be unpacking tools, tactics and learnings when facilitating physical, participatory opportunities for folks who don't feel 'the arts' is for them. Tristan and Bec will co-lead a final session at the end of the week sharing insight into their long-standing creative partnership and community engaged pedagogy.

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Week 1

1430 – 1830

LOFTY is a dance improvisation technique that searches for your individual rhythm using a catalogue of images and tools that are developed in a social setting. As a group, we pass through building blocks of the technique before sharing in a cypher or jam setting.

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Making Work [Sold out]

Week 1

1430 – 1830

This workshop focuses on the mysterious, maddening and vital process in making dance and movement-based performance. Miguel will offer proposals to you to make short performances and then through a series of questions you become aware of what your tendencies and strategies are. The “aboutness” of your work is revealed to you through the way you make it. You will make, discuss, improvise and watch each other’s work. Miguel will distribute articles ranging from artist statements to critical theory to contribute additional voices to the mix. In Miguel’s experience, making work is a confrontation with your desires, habits, value system, politics, imaginative capacity and directorial strengths and weaknesses. Before you make anything, you are already something. Let’s find out what we can bring into the world. *Week 2 offers solo sessions with Miguel + studio space for eight artists from the Week 1 workshop. You will be able to book into the solo sessions after booking into the Week 1 workshop (until capacity is reached).

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Be Creative [Free Session]

Week 1 · Feb 13

1900 – 2100

Gain knowledge about the conditions for enhancing your creative practice. This session is complimentary to all Perth Moves participants.

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Warmup Rounds [Free Session]

15 Feb

1000 – 1300

Free jam session, open to all (including general public), facilitated by Li'i of Ta'alili.

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Movement through intention.

Week 2

0930 – 1330

This workshop explores movement as an intentional, expressive act rooted in micro-movements and natural flocking behaviors to reveal both individuality and collective rhythm.

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Let's Go!

Week 2

0930 – 1100

We will listen, tune, drive, build and celebrate our physical, sensory and imaginary selves. We will sweat, dream and make the space tremble with joy. We will move with the floor and fellow bodies – always in relation to something and someone, never alone.

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Please note: the Perth Moves Bursaries launch 21 October 2024.

To book in to the Perth Moves Workshop Series, become a STRUT member today!

Acknowledgement of Country

Strut Dance acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be aware that this website may contain images or names of people who have passed away.
