Giorgia Schijf

Giorgia Schijf (she/her) is an independent contemporary dance artist based in Boorloo, WA. Since graduating from LINK Dance Company (WAAPA) in 2019, she has been performing, choreographing, and producing a variety of productions and projects.  Schijf has been involved in multiple performances for Summer Nights at The Blue Room including ‘Micromove’ and ‘900 Seconds’ from 2019-2021. In 2019, Giorgia received a nomination for ‘Best Newcomer’ by the Performing Arts WA Awards, for her performance in ‘Via Lactaea’ at Perth Fringe Festival.

More recently in 2022, Schijf has performed in Scott Elstermann’s ‘Petrushka (Game, Set, Match)’ and ‘Rite and Revolution’ in collaboration with WAYO at the Perth Concert Hall. Schijf was a performer and community engagement facilitator on the ‘BANG! BANG!’ regional tour, performing in Shone Erskine’s ‘Love You, Stranger’ and Scott Elstermann’s ‘Act 2, Scenes 1-4’.

Giorgia is the co-founder and director of Enneagon Movement, a local dance-theatre collective established in 2021. Since its inception, Enneagon Movement has presented its dance-theatre work titled ‘Pursuit’ as a part of the award-winning State of Play program through STCWA, and ‘Ignorance was Bliss’ presented at Shortcuts in 2022, as well as State of Play in 2023.

Over the past three years, Giorgia (alongside local percussionist Jesse Vivante) have been developing a multidisciplinary practice involving the synthesis of improvised dance, music and visual art. In 2021, they produced and performed in their sold-out independent work titled ‘Reimagined’, supported by Propel Youth Arts and Drug Aware. The pair have also undertaken performances as a part of Summer Nights (TBRT), Hidden Movements curated by Bernadette Lewis and creative residencies through Fremantle Arts Centre and Co3’s In Studio Residency program.

Acknowledgement of Country

Strut Dance acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be aware that this website may contain images or names of people who have passed away.
