Janine Oxenham

Janine Oxenham is a Malgana Yamatji woman from the Shark Bay area in WA. She has studied dance at both NAISDA college, NSW and WAAPA, WA. She has choreographed and performed as a freelance contemporary Indigenous dancer for numerous festivals including recent work for Houtman 400 Bullay – Open your Eyes Festival Geraldton 2019 and the SharkBay Rendezvous Festival 2018. In 2015 she mounted the work, Willy Willy, as part of the Carnarvon Future Landings project. She has facilitated community dance groups and performed as part of the core crew for Gascoyne In May for the past 9 years. In 2020 Janine worked as Movement Director for the Yirra Yaakin (YY) and Perth Festival production of Hecate and has worked on several other projects with Yirra Yaakin since including The Solidarity Project Series, Ngala Ka Daa and more recently (2021) the emerging producer program with YY, Performing Lines and Circuitwest. Recently, Janine performed in YY 2021 Perth Festival production of The Sum of Us.

Acknowledgement of Country

Strut Dance acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be aware that this website may contain images or names of people who have passed away.
